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kindly watch my VIDEOS
[click] U OK? Ep.1 The Fountain Pen And The Mug 
2021, Stop-frame object animation with real time filming :  Creator  /  Editor
[clickBlockchains and Art
2021, Current Affairs TV News Show :  Script Writer  /  Producer  /  Director  /  Editor
[click... Love
2019, Short Drama :  Script Writer  /  Producer  /  Director  / Editor
[clickHow About
2019, Short Drama :  Script Writer  /  Producer  /  Director
[clickRuJazzle, the Drag Art Queen
2018, Short Documentary :  Producer  /  Director  /  Editor
[clickPaul Baran, Curator of Musical Tales
2017, Short Documentary :  Director
[clickGlasgow Clyde College Advert
2017, Advert :  Producer  /  Photographer  /  Director  /  Camera Operator  /  Illustrator  /  Editor
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