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personal STATEMENT

Dear Madam/Sir,

By so many people, photography, television and film are taken for granted; they are part of our daily life just like radio, magazines and newspapers. Not by me. I am an overseas individual born in România who knew from the bottom of her heart that photography, TV and film production are what she is most passionate about and thus will relentlessly pursue her dream to build a career within one of these branches.


Now that I have graduated from Ravensbourne University London, Digital Television Production course, I am an entry-level professional filmmaker who has written scripts, produced, directed, shot and edited multiple genres of productions such as a stop motion object animation, a current affairs TV news show, two short documentaries, three short dramas, and an advert.


I want to start working as a Production Secretary within unscripted television productions, factual programmes such as documentaries, arts and culture, talk shows, magazine shows, nature and sports productions to expand my knowledge in factual production management. Working as a Production Secretary on such programmes will provide me with the great opportunity of enjoying a fast-paced environment and get involved in making visual content with other creatives such as myself. It will help me further learn how to direct a live television show, by focusing on filling out all of the necessary paperwork thus paying great attention to the structure and all of the details of a factual TV show, and definitely  it will also provide me with the unique feeling of connecting with the team members, guests and audience during a live broadcast.

Within my 2nd year at Ravensbourne University London, in 2019, I loved being involved in broadcasting RaveTV having the roles of the Vision Mixer and Off-Air Marketing Manager. The broadcast started at 11am and lasted till 7pm and streamed a live TV panel show called There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch as well, which I have vision mixed. Being the Off-Air Marketing Manager I designed an A3 Call Out poster design (Fig.1), 2x2 Sticker designs (Fig.2) and supervised the creation of a 550x2700mm Large Banner design (Fig.3).

Prior to studying at Ravensbourne University, I have worked as an intern, in the role of the Vision Mixer, at the European Championships Glasgow 2018, Scotland, attending Gymnastics event, with Great Big Events Company, GBE. I was very fortunate to be part of the team managed by International Senior Sport Producer John Bailey. The experience had been so amazing that it had changed my life. 


In December 2013, in Temesvár city, România, I organised my personal photo exhibition presenting two abstract themes Gazing and Inner Force, [click] , also was working as a Freelance Project Manager on websites and graphic designs, thus I learned how to be organised, manage a small team, talk to clients, keep dead-lines and present solutions when needed.


As an HND1 Glasgow Clyde student, for my Graded Unit programme, I produced, directed and edited in PremierePro, a documentary, [click] RuJazzle, the Drag Art Queen .

On the night of the 18th of April 2018, I coordinated the shoot of a live drag performance using three video cameras. I have learned so much from this production, such as planning, writing paperwork, attention to detail, story line, music, and coordinating a larger team this time, and definitely learned to face my fears.


As an HND2 student I wrote and directed a short drama, [click] How About . It’s a monologue about the ego, self-love and ways of being in the state of oneness with someone, placed in the subconscious with the main character seemingly floating. In this ambiance we tether with a young, modern woman who is making a confession regarding her wish to be selfish, her strive to build an identity and her resolution to heed to her true loves' soul.


This monologue has a continuation, called [click] … Love . It is a short drama about a woman and a man, both reading the same book called How to Love, by Thich Nhat Hanh. They end up feeling ready to fall in love with each other after she saves him from choking of thirst.


For two academic years, 2016-18, as a Student Representative at Glasgow Clyde College, I voiced the concerns of the students within my group, to G. Senior Lecturer James McIvor and to the Student Association. I felt of avail within this role.


My skills, such as time management, being comprehensive, organised, script writing, producing, directing, editing, recording sound, operating a camera, finding locations and setting up lighting have enhanced due to taking part in productions outside college and university as well, attending multiple work placements.


My strength comes from believing in myself intertwined with having a critical mindset. I have a strong feeling that I was made for creating visual content which I have done as a photographer before moving to United Kingdom and continued to do so till this day, also love collaborating with other talented and hard-working filmmakers. Achieving high standard productions is something that I’m constantly working on, thus am paying attention not only to paperwork, but to lighting, camera lenses, sound quality and editing as well.


I am used to performing long hours in an indoor environment due to having worked from home as a freelance Project Manager supervising graphic designs and websites, however I am most passionate about producing and directing factual programmes and at times non-factual ones as well.


In order to better myself I love to be mindful of others, to keep thorough, to accept criticism, to influence others to listen to their passion and to keep growth oriented.


Due to graduating from Ravensbourne, I became more versatile, confident, better at producing factual programmes, more determined in achieving television high standards, and more heartfelt about surreal drama. I have potential and hope that you too can see my eagerness.


As an aspiring entry-level professional, am looking for an apprenticeship within television industry and want to put my skill-sets to good use.


Thank you so much for your time!

I hope you are well.


Éva I. Sibinszki 





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